Monday 27 May 2013

Carrot Cakes!

A rather straightforward and simple recipe! The pans are egg and chick shaped, which are really cute! >.<

Pan spray and flour well!
5 ml cinnamon, 1ml nutmeg, and 1ml ground cloves

190ml veg. oil, 2 eggs, 250ml finely grated carrots

315ml all-purpose flour

80ml walnut finely chopped

Rope-like border

Sunday 26 May 2013

Easter and Eggs!

A very late entry indeed! This was my first time making Easter Eggs the Ukrainian way!

First, create a design. Ukrainian eggs have particular patterns, animals, and colours that represent ideas.

Next, lightly pencil on your design on an egg.

Using a Kistka heated up over a candle, scoop up some beeswex. Go over your lightest pattern first (in my case, white), then dye it your next lightest colour.

Repeat until you dye it to the darkest colour. Remove the wax by carefully heated it over the candle. Be sure not to place it in the flame or you run the risk of charring the egg! As it begins to melt, you'll see it becoming shiny. At this time, quickly wipe the wax off with paper towels. Repeat until egg is devoid of wax.

Cracked egg...the yolk ended up taking the dye off


Pulla, a mildly sweet French roll/dessert bread flavoured with cardamon seeds and is either braided or rolled, often topped with course sugar.

Unfortunately, I was  unable to attend this lab due to a field trip. I tried to make it up at home, but it turned out pretty bad!

250ml milk
8ml yeast
3 eggs
Couldn't knead the dough properly...ended up having strechmarks
...pesto bread?

Iced Roses

Roses made of icing, sweet! :D
To be honest, I actually attended a class on icing around 4-5 yrs ago. Hopefully I'll still be able to make roses, haha!

Make your royal icing
Use a tip 12 to form a wide-base cone on a flower nail
After you form a cone, ice a "scarf" around it using a tip 104

Form petals using a tip 104. Form
 the 3 innermost petals by
keeping the tip vertical and
 make a "rainbow" motion as
 you spin the nail. Repeat for next row
 (5 petals, 7 petals), gradually angling the tip.


They didn't turn out too great, especially since the icing had chunks of sugar and was too soft... :'C

When Cakes Go Vertical!

For this class, the primary goal was plating and decorating. The cake used was a pound cake. The finished product was a Cherry Pie Cake Stack!

Pan used for cake
Making of the pound cake
Cake out of the oven
Cake to be cut out with the stack cylinders
Don't have a stack cylinder? Don't worry! Improvise by using a tin pop can with the ends removed. Make sure to check for metal splinters. Or in our case, we used dry measures to cut out our desired sizes.

Cake cut out with dry measure
Whipping up heavy cream
Cherry pie filling
The whipping cream and cherry pie filling are used to decorate the cake! To prepare the whipping cream, first pour 250ml heavy cream in a cooled 500ml liquid measure. Whip it up with an electric mixer!

Add final details with chocolate syrup!